Brief Trailer for Genre-Bending, Indie Paranoia Thriller ‘Go/Don’t Go’

Go/Don't Go Trailer

“They were there. And then they were gone…” Kamikaze Dogfight has debuted an official trailer for an indie psychological thriller titled Go/Don’t Go, made by, starring and directed by filmmaker Alex Knapp. This premiered at the San Francisco Independent Film Festival earlier this year, and drops on VOD in January. Caught between a lost love story and inescapable paranoia, Knapp’s Go/Don’t Go is a “genre-bending” slow burn thriller that follows Adam, a wallflower who happens to be the last person left alive – or so he thinks. Starring Alex Knapp, Nore Davis, Olivia Luccardi, Thomas Essig, and Bettina Skye. Described as a “post-apocalyptic psychological thriller, oscillating between a forgotten love story & inescapable paranoia.” This looks like a mesmerizing mental breakdown film with some slick cinematography. Curious to see more.

Here’s the new official trailer (+ poster) for Alex Knapp’s Go/Don’t Go, direct from KD’s YouTube:

Go/Don't Go Poster

After an unknown cataclysm, Adam (Alex Knapp) is alone… The sole inhabitant of a vacant, unchanged world, or so he thinks. While attempting to stay grounded in the desolate landscape, visions come to him—the fateful night his best friend Kyle (Nore Davis) introduces him to the love of his life, K (Olivia Luccardi). As Adam’s mental state starts to unravel, he is plagued by lingering questions and uncertain realities about his world. His grip on what’s left starts to slip away—sending him spiraling towards a series of unforeseen consequences and unexpected truths. Go / Don’t Go is both written and directed by American actor / filmmaker Alex Knapp, making his feature directorial debut with this film. Produced by Derek Brown, Max Gardner, Alex Knapp, Olivia Luccardi. This first premiered at the San Francisco Independent Film Festival earlier this year. Kamikaze Dogfight will release Knapp’s Go/Don’t Go direct-to-VOD starting on January 12th, 2021 coming soon this winter. For more info, visit the film’s official website. Look good?

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