Watch Perri Nemiroff’s 2020 Recap Videos: Top 5 + A Movie Montage

“The fact that I’ve already seen Palm Springs evolve with every single viewing leaves me with no doubt that the movie is going to continue to inspire me to push myself further.” Yes! Big fan of that movie, too. Fellow movie geek Perri Nemiroff, who works for Collider, has debuted her end of the year recap videos looking back at 2020 in film. Perri has posted her homemade “2020 Movie Montage” and “Top 5” videos on YouTube and they’re worth a watch. Perri discusses her Top 5 favorites and why she loves them so much – and her picks are quite unique. She also loves horror films and features more horror in her recap montage than most other retrospective videos like this, which is refreshing to see… Because there’s always so many superb horror films that too often get lost in the awards season hoopla. View both of her 2020 videos below.
For more info on Perri Nemiroff’s picks, visit YouTube or see her work on Collider. Or follow her on Twitter @PNemiroff or on YouTube here. Perri explains: “I know it’s been a challenging and highly unusual year for cinema, but hopefully this year’s movie montage highlights the abundance of unforgettable storytelling we got to enjoy – whether it was on the big screen or safe at home… Every single year, making this montage reinforces how proud and honored I am to be part of the film community, and 2020 is no different.” Indeed, same here. Perri is one of the good ones. And I love these recap videos for that exact reason – they remind us how exciting and vibrant and diverse and unique and wonderful the world of movies is – and will always be. Even in tough times like 2020, even when all the theaters are closed, there are always more movies to enjoy.