Watch: Impressive Batman + Joker Fan Film ‘Batman: Dying is Easy’

“I don’t care about our legacy.” We’re still a few years away from seeing Matt Reeves’ The Batman (due out in 2022), in the meantime this short will definitely scratch your itch for extra Batman content. Batman: Dying is Easy is an impressive new fan-film made by the brothers Aaron and Sean Schoenke. The short pitch for it is: “Fan created. Professionally made. A psychological film about the Dark Knight and the Clown Prince.” The short film is a dark psychological thriller about Batman and Joker, similar to that iconic scene in The Dark Knight when he grabs him in the police station prison. Kevin Porter stars as Batman, Aaron Schoenke as Joker, with Michael Madsen as Bullock, plus appearances by a few other Arkham Asylum regulars. The quality of this fan film is through the roof, and it just makes me more excited for The Batman.
Thanks to ScreenRant for the tip on this short. Brief description from YouTube: “Batman and Joker have always had such an interested psychological relationship, it’s those dark concepts that make the characters so interesting.” Batman: Dying is Easy is a professional fan film co-directed by Aaron Schoenke and Sean Schoenke. The two created and run the YouTube channel known as “Bat in the Sun” – an independent self contained film and music production company. They’ve also made more fan films: Batman vs Darth Vader, Predator vs Wolverine, Spider-Man vs Darth Maul, and others. This short is produced by Sean Schoenke and Nikolay Zamkovoy. With cinematography by Aric Abraham, and music by Sean Schoenke. This project was funded on Indiegogo – more on the Dying Is Easy can be found there. For more shorts click here. Thoughts?