New Trailer for French Thriller ‘The Pilot’ About a Military Drone Pilot

“After so long chasing him, I hope this is the one.” Freestyle Digital Media has unveiled a new US trailer for a French thriller titled The Pilot, from filmmaker Paul Doucet. This already debuted on VOD in France last year, and will finally be released on VOD in the US this September. A military drone pilot and his team are tracking down the head of a jihadist network when his wife and daughter are kidnapped by terrorists. They will be executed if he doesn’t derail the capture of the head of a jihadist network. He must choose between his duty, the protection of his men in the field and his family in this intense thriller. This isn’t the first drone pilot film – there were a few made in America like this a few years ago (see: Good Kill or Drone). The Pilot stars Hugo Becker, Eye Haidara, Kahina Carina, Grégory Fitoussi, and Lalie Lanners. Looks like another screen film shot entirely on Zoom during the pandemic – though still might be an intriguing watch. // Continue Reading ›