Maniacal Grindhouse-Esque Horror Film ‘Necropath’ Official Trailer

Necropath Trailer

“Do you see where we are? We’re in hell right now!” Gravitas Ventures has released an official trailer for Necropath, a deranged maniacal horror from filmmaker Joshua Reale. The award-winning film, created with the thought of what happens to the movie monsters who wander freely during extreme pandemics, is available to watch on VOD services starting today. A mentally deranged maniac stalks victims to fulfill his drug addiction and sedate psychosis until he becomes the victim of an unexpected invasion of the undead. The film stars Moe Isaac, Nathan Faudree,Cassandra Hayes, Lillian Colvin, Natalie Colvin, and Shain Hence. It looks a bit too low budget and too dark to be good, but maybe some horror fans will dig it.

Here’s the first official trailer (+ poster) for Joshua Reale’s Necropath, direct from YouTube:

Necropath Poster

Encompassing many elements relating to issues today, this Grindhouse-style piece tells of a mysterious virus, plague, and pharmaceutical drug conspiracy that erupts in a city causing a pandemic. In the midst of the chaos, a mentally deranged maniac seeks to fulfill continuous addiction & vengeful murder, despite the imminent demise and collapse of society happening around him. This leads to a family being destroyed leaving an abandoned little girl to save her baby sister. Necropath is both written & directed by filmmaker Joshua Reale, making his feature directorial debut after a few shorts previously. This originally premiered in 2018. Gravitas will finally debut Reale’s Necropath direct-to-VOD starting on February 9th this month.

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