Official Trailer for Art Doc ‘My Rembrandt’ About Rembrandt Fanatics

My Rembrandt Doc Trailer

“I was face to face with Rembrandt.” Strand Releasing has unveiled an official US trailer for a documentary titled My Rembrandt, which originally premiered at the IDFA Film Festival in The Netherlands last year. Rembrandt, the grandmaster of intimacy rocks the art world… many people, even entire nations, are still obsessed with his paintings. Aristocrats cherish, experts rule, dealers investigate, collectors hunt, museums battle. The epic documentary My Rembrandt dives deep into the art world of Old Masters, exploring the motives of its elite. His paintings have clearly lost none of their appeal in the 350 years since his death, and this film explores that ongoing obsession. “My Rembrandt provides fascinating insight into what makes the work of this Dutch master technically so extraordinary, and why different people are so deeply affected by his oeuvre, or a specific work. Meanwhile, centuries after Rembrandt’s death, his paintings are still a source of drama and gripping plot twists.” This looks totally wild and wacky and lots of fun to watch. Have a look.

Here’s the official trailer (+ poster) for Oeke Hoogendijk’s doc My Rembrandt, direct from YouTube:

My Rembrandt Poster

Description from IDFA: Rembrandt’s paintings have lost none of their appeal in the 350 years since his death. Collectors worldwide cherish the magic of the Dutch master’s work. This entertaining documentary shows the passion of a variety of Rembrandt enthusiasts. An eccentric, aristocratic Scot is looking for the ultimate place to hang his beloved portrait of a woman reading, and an animated Amsterdam art dealer has his eye out for a second chance to discover a “new” Rembrandt—this descendant of an old merchant family, whose ancestor was once painted by Rembrandt himself, has got something to prove. An ambitious American businessman and his wife proudly make “their” Rembrandts available to the Louvre, and the Rothschild family’s decision to put Rembrandt’s wedding portraits of Marten Soolmans and Oopjen Coppit on the market threatens to provoke a diplomatic row between the Netherlands and France. My Rembrandt is directed by Dutch filmmaker Oeke Hoogendijk, director of the doc The New Rijksmuseum – The Film and a few other films previously. This first premiered at the IDFA Film Festival last year. Strand Releasing will debut My Rembrandt in select US theaters starting January 6th, 2021. For more, visit their website.

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