A family must adjust to a new life in French Exit, the latest from director Azazel Jacobs.

The film follows Frances and Malcolm Price, a previously wealthy mother and son who have burned through the family inheritance. They’re so low on funds that they take an offer to stay at a small apartment in Paris, but they can’t get their head around changing their lifestyle. Frances, who knew this was coming but acted with little foresight, lashes out with her caustic wit, seemingly unable to decide on an appropriate reaction to the mess.

source: Sony Pictures Classics

Adapted from the book of the same name by the novel’s writer, Patrick DeWitt, this odd character comedy is the second pairing of DeWitt and Jacobs. They took on the same responsibilities for the 2011 film Terri, which earned solid reviews. Jacobs’ followed up that up with the acclaimed The Lovers, and now they’re back together to try and continue that winning streak.

Despite the solid writer/director pairing, this sort of movie really really lives and dies on the performances of its leads, and it boasts a strong pairing. Michelle Pfeiffer looks to carry things as the biting Frances, and many people are anxious to see her career roar back. Playing second fiddle to her as Malcolm is Lucas Hedges, who has been specializing in taking a backseat to legendary actresses of late.

A modest critical response out of its festival run does dampen expectations a bit, but this strange little comedy is still likely to appeal to many.

French Exit is directed by Azazel Jacobs and stars Michelle Pfeiffer, Lucas Hedges, and a black cat with an adorable white tuft on their chest. It will be released theatrically in the US on February 12th and in the UK on March 26th. For international release dates, click here.

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