Category Movie talk

Next Goal Wins

Can you call a film formulaic if it’s based on things that really happened? Maybe. As with any movie, it’s all about the tone and style: the choices made by the storytellers. “Next Goal Wins” is a case study, unfortunately. It’s an…

Kokomo City Named IFSN Advocate Award Winner

When D. Smith’s “Kokomo City” premiered at Sundance this year, Nick Allen wrote, “The women interviewed here—Liyah Mitchell, Dominque Silver, Koko Da Doll, and Daniella Carter—are scholars of their experience. Smith empowers them throughout, giving them space in the edit and with each…


After promising us back in 2007 that “white meat … dark meat … all will be carved, this Thanksgiving,” Eli Roth has finally delivered on the promise of his mock trailer that played between Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez’s films…

Orlando, My Political Biography

Transgender philosopher-filmmaker Paul B. Preciado’s “Orlando, My Political Biography” starts with footage of the filmmaker on a city street at night, wheatpasting posters with slogans, questions, and cryptic statements, and only becomes more playfully abstruse from there. The film is “political” in that…