Month February 2021

Sundance 2021: ON THE COUNT OF THREE

(trigger warnings: suicide, depression, suicidal thoughts, trauma, assault.) There’s one moment in Jerrod Carmichael‘s directorial debut, the dark bromance comedy On the Count of Three, where one character utters a line that will undoubtedly resonate with everyone who’s had suicidal…

Feuermelder in Berlin, Germany

Outside the Schloss Bellevue stands a red pillar that many confuse with a postbox. The pillar is actually a feuermelder, essentially a public fire alarm station. These old fire alarms date back to a time when having a landline inside your house was…


A family must adjust to a new life in French Exit, the latest from director Azazel Jacobs. The film follows Frances and Malcolm Price, a previously wealthy mother and son who have burned through the family inheritance. They’re so low on…