

The thing that makes Melissa McCarthy such a fascinating comic presence is her fearlessness. Read moreA Guide to The Perfect Bong Joon-ho MarathonIn her signature roles, she takes her characters to weird, dangerous places that you’d never expect—and you’re happy to go along for the ride. Whether it’s through her bold physicality or an unusual…

‘Mad Max’ in 4K is our Pick of the Week

‘Mad Max’ in 4K is our Pick of the Week

Streaming might be the future, but physical media is still the present. It’s also awesome, depending on the title, the label, and the release, so each week we take a look at the new Blu-rays and DVDs making their way into the world. Welcome to this week in Home Video for November 24th, 2020! This week’s…

Celebrate the Farm Workers Behind Your Favorite Thanksgiving Sides

Celebrate the Farm Workers Behind Your Favorite Thanksgiving Sides

As we sit down to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner, whether around a table or with loved ones online, most of us won’t pause to wonder where those favorite family dishes come from. Yet each stalk of celery in your stuffing, each roasted turnip in grandma’s dutch oven, and every apple in your uncle’s famous pie connects…

Deus Ex Machina: Acceptable Coincidence or a Cop-out?

Deus Ex Machina: Acceptable Coincidence or a Cop-out?

Deus ex machina – 3 words that guarantee a Google the first time they are heard; whether that’s through a discussion on film theory or watching Alex Garland’s sci-fi thriller aptly titled Ex Machina. It is a Latin expression derived from ancient Greek theatre which literally translates to “god from the machine.” During Greek tragedies…

Watch: Norwegian Teens Dance in ‘Voguing with Beethoven’ Short

Watch: Norwegian Teens Dance in ‘Voguing with Beethoven’ Short

“Shall we begin?” It’s time to reinvent Beethoven! Again! Voguing with Beethoven is an exquisite short film made by Norwegian filmmaker Emilie Norenberg – a talented up-and-coming director. She partnered with the Norwegian Chamber Orchestra and the local “Oslo ballroom family” to make this fantastic dance short about identity and belonging. Shot on 16mm film…

Zooming in on the Microbiome of Some da Vinci Masterpieces

Zooming in on the Microbiome of Some da Vinci Masterpieces

An artistic masterpiece may be timeless, but that doesn’t protect it from time itself. Dust, fungi, bacteria, human DNA: All these and more accumulate, microscopically and sometimes more, on the surfaces of artworks when they’re stored, displayed, or moved outside of ideal conservation conditions. Many works now safely encased in museums still bear scars from…

Nepali Folk Musical Instrument Museum in Kathmandu, Nepal

Nepali Folk Musical Instrument Museum in Kathmandu, Nepal

Nepal’s more than 100 distinct ethnic groups have produced over 1,300 different designs of musical instruments, a fact that struck a chord with Ram Prasad Kadel who began collecting Nepali instruments in 1995. Today, he showcases a significant portion of his impressive collection of some 650 instruments in a museum he opened in 2002. Read…

BARBIE & KENDRA STORM AREA 51: Retro Remix of Sci-Fi Cult Classics

BARBIE & KENDRA STORM AREA 51: Retro Remix of Sci-Fi Cult Classics

Charles Band is a real legend in the world of independent film directing dozens of titles from Evil Bong to Trancers and Prehysteria! His latest film, Barbie & Kendra Storm Area 51, is the third entry featuring the titular twosome; the prior two flicks in the series are Barbie & Kendra Save the Tiger King…

First International Flight Stone and Plaque in Bridgetown, Barbados

First International Flight Stone and Plaque in Bridgetown, Barbados

Approaching the green, on the right-hand side of the fifth fairway at Rockley Golf & Country Club, stands a large stone. This marks the spot where international aviation history began in Barbados. Read moreA Guide to The Perfect Bong Joon-ho MarathonBarbados’ first international arrival came by way of an Avro Avian. On March 29, 1929,…

Depression et Motivation short film review

Depression et Motivation short film review

★★★ Directed by: Philip Brocklehurst Read moreA Guide to The Perfect Bong Joon-ho MarathonWritten by: Philip Brocklehurst Starring: P.M. Thomas Read moreRobert Stack Finally Solves a Mystery in ‘The Strange and Deadly Occurrence’,,Film Review by: ,,Jason Knight The average person spends a third of their life sleeping. When they wake up, what do they think?…

Ponte Nomentano in Rome, Italy

Ponte Nomentano in Rome, Italy

This beautiful pedestrian-only Roman bridge has been largely untouched since the Middle Ages. It spans over 190 feet (60 meters) above the Aniene river, a tributary of the Tiber. The Nomentano bridge was once surrounded by the vast and empty expanses of the Roman countryside. Read moreA Guide to The Perfect Bong Joon-ho MarathonIts unique…

The Lodge of Edinburgh in Edinburgh, Scotland

The Lodge of Edinburgh in Edinburgh, Scotland

Freemasonry, or what is commonly referred to as Masonry, can be defined as a member-based charitable organization dedicated to the practice of exhibiting good deeds. They are also known for their secret celebrations. Membership is estimated to be around six million affiliates worldwide. In Scotland, there are somewhere around 32 lodges, places where Freemasons gather for…



A woman goes through a rarely talked about the grieving process in Pieces of a Woman, the latest from director Kornél Mundruczó. This was supposed to be a happy time. Martha and Sean were expecting their first child, having prepped for a home birth that they were confident would go smoothly. When it comes time,…

Greenfield Valley Heritage Park in Greenfield, Wales

Greenfield Valley Heritage Park in Greenfield, Wales

Greenfield Valley Heritage Park is home to millponds, streams, and historic factories all connected by a pleasant one and a half-mile walking path. This park contains almost 2,000 years of history.  Read moreA Guide to The Perfect Bong Joon-ho MarathonSome of the industries founded in this area included copper, flannel, and flour mills, along with soft…

Why ‘Uncle Frank’ Rejects Its Own Compelling Story

Why ‘Uncle Frank’ Rejects Its Own Compelling Story

“Uncle Frank” wastes so many natural resources it’s hard to know where to begin. Let’s start with a killer cast, from the underrated Paul Bettany to the dame of modern matriarchs, Margo Martindale. Read moreA Guide to The Perfect Bong Joon-ho MarathonThrow in Steve Zahn, Judy Greer and rising star Sophia Lillis of “It” fame,…

A Tale of Survival, Wrapped in a 19th-Century Reindeer-Skin Sleeping Bag

A Tale of Survival, Wrapped in a 19th-Century Reindeer-Skin Sleeping Bag

In 2013, Barnum Museum curator Adrienne St. Pierre discovered what she described as a “rather decrepit old cardboard box” in the museum’s offsite storage facility. Inside was a huge ball of russet animal skin, noticeably aged and with loose bits of fur poking out in wayward tufts. Intrigued, St. Pierre brought the box back to…

How Ron Howard Brought ‘Hillbilly Elegy’ to Life Without Lectures

How Ron Howard Brought ‘Hillbilly Elegy’ to Life Without Lectures

Audiences may do a double take when they first see Glenn Close in “Hillbilly Elegy.” The Oscar nominee is unrecognizable as Mamaw, the chain-smoking matriarch of the new Netflix film. It’s based on author J.D. Vance’s celebrated memoir of his Appalachian roots, a tome many said explained Donald Trump’s ascent to the White House. Read…